‘Ohana Produce Plus
‘Ohana Produce Plus is a mass, mobile food distribution program that enables Hawaiʻi Foodbank to bring food directly into the communities where it is needed most.
‘Ohana Produce Plus provides hungry keiki, kūpuna, families and individuals with greater access to fresh fruits and vegetables plus other supplementary food items. For more than 20 years, the program has distributed millions of pounds of fresh produce in Hawai‘i, assorted dry goods and non-perishable food items to under-served communities – all at no cost to its recipients. Recipients of this program include families with low income, people with disabilities, houseless individuals and more. For many people, ‘Ohana Produce Plus is their only source of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Last year, Hawai‘i Foodbank worked with 47 agency partners on O‘ahu and Kaua‘i to distribute more than 2.8 million pounds of fresh produce and 3.6 million pounds of baked goods, dairy, eggs, cereal, snacks, beverages, canned goods and other items.
Distribution Times and Locations
With the help of dozens of participating food partner agencies, roughly 50 ‘Ohana Produce Plus distributions are available each month.
Click on a location for more information on each participating food partner agency and its associated dates and hours of operation. Please keep in mind that hours are subject to change without notice. We recommend calling the location before you go to confirm service hours and requirements.

Questions About the Program?
For more information on ‘Ohana Produce Plus, please contact Jared Kawatani, community programs manager, at jared@kauai.hawaiifoodbank.org or 808-954-7877.
Interested in providing foreign language assistance?
Must be able to read, write and speak in English and any language other than English (Hawaiian, Cantonese, Chuukese, Ilocano, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Samoan, Spanish, Tagalog, etc.). Basic computer skills and customer service skills are also required.
If interested, please contact volunteer@kauai.hawaiifoodbank.org.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
For more information, please read the complete USDA/DES Non-Discrimination Statement.